A place of travel, crafts, truth, and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.


  • Peaceful mornings

    I have been trying to focus on having more peaceful mornings. We live in a pretty scary part of town and it gives me a lot of anxiety. Everywhere in this town gives me anxiety. But there are a few peaceful places. This is Montgomery Park, it is along the Hahn Arroyo. I enjoy bringing…

  • Show me the MONEY!

    What’s one small improvement you can make in your life? Money is my nemesis. I loathe money because I have no control when I do have money. I am always broke, but I really don’t care anymore. My husband is big on saving, so I let him handle the money. I am working on budgeting…

The Hostess

Erica is an adventurer, photographer, crafter, and amateur author.

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